April 22, 2012


James' Birth Story... or at least what I can recall from the day!

Tuesday April 3rd (My Due Date):
My mom came up for the day! It was SO nice to have the distraction due to the fact that baby was due today and i knew that he wasn't going to come out! We went to lunch at chick-fil-a and met my realtor at the house that we put an offer in on so that I could show my mom! After that we went to my 40 WEEK dr. appt. I was the usual check in, blah blah and then I was called back to do the weigh-in/ blood pressure/ bathroom ck. Everything still overly normal and I think I was up to 30 lbs at this point. Somewhat relieved I think that all of this was over and I hadn't gained 50 lbs.
Katie, my midwife came in. She was surprised to find me not undressed I think. I told her that I was still in pain from my check up the previous Friday and asked her if I had to have my cervix checked again today. She said no, thankfully to my comfort, ha! We had been planning since the week before that if James hadn't come by his due date that I would go to be induced first thing Thursday morning on the 5th. I did not want to see 41 weeks. Baby would have stayed in there in think for another week had I let him! Everything was a go, per Katie and she said she would see me Thursday :)
Mom and I went over to the mall afterwards to walk some and return a couple of things for baby!! That night my mom took mike and I to our "last supper" dinner at Rancho Chico! It was a great day!

Wednesday April 4th (day before induction day):
Nothing happened today.. strangely enough I was calm all day. I didn't think too much about the fact that I would be in the hospital at this time tomorrow and just relaxed all day! Not too much to report! I had all my stuff ready and headed for bed around 11pm with cramping and slightly stronger contractions than just the braxton hicks I had been experiencing for the past 10 weeks. I woke up around 3:15am with dull lower back pains/ contractions and thought that I might as well go ahead and get up because if I am in labor the pains are only going to get worse and I wanted to be clean and ready for the day! So I got in the shower and was just trying to be present and take all of this in! When I went in our bedroom to get my stuff to shower in the guest bath, Mike asked me what I was doing. I informed him of what was going on. He kept saying to me, don't freak out, you need to just relax and stay calm. I remember thinking, I've never been more calm, quit telling me to relax, lol.

Thursday April 5th (induction Day):
Since I had already been up since 3:15am, I was definitely ready  to get this show on the road! I called as instructed at 6am to double check and make sure that they had a bed for me, which they replied YES, we are all ready for you :)
We got to the hospital at 7:38am and walked into labor and delivery on the 2nd floor. We got checked in and they put us in one of the new big rooms with the jacuzzi tubs (which I didn't even get to use by the way), I was so excited!! Our nurses' name for the am shift was Angela! She had been doing labor and delivery for 30 years and while a little rough around the edges, she was WONDERFUL!! We loved her sense of humor and she was so helpful. She inserted the largest gauge needle I have seen into my arm, which ached for hours, but was medically necessary in case of emergency! After about 6 hours, the sensation finally went away. Good news was I was beginning to have regular chartable contractions on my own upon coming to the hospital, so things were beginning to happen!
9AM: Katie came in and inserted the pill into my cervix. At that point I believe I was 80% effaced and 1.5cm dilated. Not much change from my Friday appointment. I had to lay there for about an hour to make sure the pill took and was doing it's job. I was then told I could walk around the hospital, or where ever I wanted as long as I was back in about 2 hours to be put back on the baby monitor to check his heart rate and make sure everything was good!
10:30AM: I got dressed again and mike and I walked around the grounds of the hospital, very slowly as to relax while having the contractions. We talked about how crazy it was that we were here and having our first baby, how our life would change and never be the same again, how crazy fast 10 months flew by! It was surreal.
12PM: I think it was around this time, we went back inside. I ordered some lunch, a turkey sandwich at the advice of Angela, so that if I threw it up later, it wouldn't be totally gross, HA! I was checked and monitored again... Contractions were happening about every 3-4 minutes and while I could feel them, they were more than tolerable! I was in it for the long haul.
This is were I lost all track of time, it all runs together for me. All I know is what happened, just not sure when.
5PM: As Katie, my midwife wanted to get my contractions closer together, they finally started the pitocin drip at which they increased every half hour? This was still tolerable, I was breathing through these a little more than the previous contractions I had been having during the day. Mike was really encouraging through the process this far! I stayed having the contractions at about every 2-3 minutes for a few hours.
8PM?: Katie came in and we discussed breaking my water. she had held off on this because she wanted me to progress before having to do this. If your water breaks, you have to have the baby within 24 hours to avoid infection. She just wanted to make sure to avoid having an emergency c-section. I believe she also checked me at this point and I was at a 4 or 5? As soon as she broke my water, I had the typical huge gush of water! and it kept coming and coming and flowing. I mean it was everywhere I felt like- modesty had for sure flown out the window at this point, lol. Jen, my new overnight nurse was more than comforting to me as I leaked everywhere. It was the contraction right after my water was broken that I knew this was go time! It was SUPER intense and up until this point, I was still 50/50 on epidural, but had already signed the papers to do so if I needed one! I was more than adamant that I HAD TO HAVE one! So the Dr was called but due to an emergency surgery, the on call Dr had to be called from home. It was probably around 10ish??? I don't know. All I do know is that they told me it might be another 30 minutes and while I felt like I was in despair, I held on pretty well. It seemed only like 15 minutes and in walked the Dr, with the goods!! It took about 25 minutes, they kicked everyone out of the room. His name was DR. Harris? And he was all business, with 0 bedside manner. Luckily I wasn't much for talking at that point! Finally relief! I could feel a LITTLE bit of pressure, but 0 pain. YAY!! Well, they then up'd the pitocin as they had been doing and that got things into high gear- HELLO TRANSITION LABOR!
11:30?: Katie and the nurse were having me lay on my side or in different positions to help further along the process. At this point I remember thinking OMG... I CAN NOT do this. I was feeling a lot of pressure, not pain, just pressure! I was then put into this position tilted slightly backward, there's some technical term, I didn't catch that one. All I know is that as soon as I was in it, I HAD TO GET OUT. I had to PUSH RIGHT THEN. Between Mike and Jen (my nurse) they were both telling me that I couldn't. Breath through the contraction... the next 5 minutes were hell. My contractions were 1 minute a part, my breathing had gone out the window, I was on the verge of tears and I was puffing through the indescribable intense pressure. Trying to relax in between, not so much. Jen immediately called Katie as I was demanding to push. Katie came in and looked and it was go time- Midnight, 10cm!
12AM: Every minute and a half I was told to push through the pressure. 10 second increments, 3 times during a contraction. I was expecting a lot of things, but the pressure I wasn't. I didn't feel any pain, thankfully, but I was about to die from the pressure. I pushed and pushed and pushed... I would look at the clock in between contractions trying to relax before the pressure stared again. 12:30 came and went, 1am came and went, 1:30 rolled around and at this point Katie had said that she called the on call OB to come and administer the vacuum to help James' head come out. It was right there, but wasn't budging. I was ok with anything at this point. I assured everyone in the room that I COULD not push for another hour- I was exhausted. I had been up for almost 24 hours already as it was! At 1:55am the executive decision was made by Katie to give me an episiotomy, which they don't really do anymore! I felt two little stings and then nothing. 5 more pushes and at 2:08 am, James was pulled out and laying on my stomach. He didn't cry much. Just little wimpers. He had some fluid in his mouth. It was such a wonderful feeling of not having the pressure anymore. I was in complete awe of this little human laying quietly on my tummy making little noises as he was being cleaned off. Katie was down there doing her after delivery routine as I watched and started to shake. I think it was just hormone release or maybe just my body being in shock I don't know. I told Mike to go be with the baby and I would be fine. I watched as the nurse was cleaning him and as mike was watching him! It was sweet. He finally cried and it was the sweetest little cry. He quieted down after about 20 seconds, to observe what was going on around him. Mike finally brought him over to me.. he had tears in his eyes! It was a special moment, I was still shaking. mike asked if I wanted to hold him and I said no.. My arms were jello and I had no strength to hold him up. So he just held him where I could see his face. I had no idea what he would look like, but not what I expected, lol. He was all mine and perfect though, that I do know!

 Dont mind my appearance here, it was at 2:15am!

7lbs, 2.8 oz, 19.5"L

Katie, the most amazing midwife EVER!! She's wonderful!

Saturday morning... 48 hours later and exhausted, but lovin' on my sweet boy :)

3AM: The grandparents entered! YES, they were all still at the hospital, waiting for the big arrival! The Grandmothers came in first! They were both so excited! Then entered the grandfathers, They were equally excited :) It was a great experience!! Once everyone left, mike gave the baby his first bath, with the nurses help! I then proceeded to ask if they would be taking him to the nursery. She laughed and said this was it :) HELLO PARENTHOOD!!

More to come on the next post of the hospital stay... whew! And if you made it through this whole story, I applaud you! It was ridiculously long, but I didn't want to leave out any details, even though I know I forgot some!

March 14, 2012

Week 37

Not much to update except that everything is all set to go and we are ready to meet our boy! Well, I think that Mike could use a few more days, but I am rearin' to go!
As of my appointment last Thursday, I am 1 cm dilated, o% effaced, and my cervix is "softer", whatever that means. The midwife I saw last week seems to think that I won't see April and that James will make his debut sometime in March, me, I am not banking on it. He's dues April 3rd, so it's not like it will be some life-changing thing if he comes only 3 days earlier, but a week, now that would be good!
As of today's appointment, She didn't check any progress, but guesstimated that he will be atleast 20" long, by the outline of his body in my tummy and 7-8 pounds. A good healthy baby. His heartbeat sounded great, altho he was bouncing around so much in there that it was hard to follow at times! It's a good that's he's so active admist all of the braxton hicks that are going on. I AM THANKFUL!!

Pregnancy Updates:

How far along: 37weeks, 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: up to 25 lbs. didn't gain anything from last week though.
Maternity clothes: Everything still is fitting pretty good! I can't wait to buy some cute summer things!
Stretch marks: none.
Sleep: Pretty good considering.
Best moment this week: knowing that if I did go into labor, baby would be perfectly fine. I can't wait to kiss his little face in 20 DAYS!!
Missing Anything: Sleeping on my stomach. Not too much longer.
Movement: All the time, he has dance parties in there :)
Started showing yet: I think so at almost 9.5 months pregnant. But I feel like I look pretty good!
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: only braxton hicks contractions. getting ready for the real thing!
Belly button in or out: Top part still sticking slightly out. Bottom part is getting a little flatter.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody: happy & ready to get this show on the road!
Looking forward to: heading to the hospital and experiencing everything!
Baby's Size: A bit over 19" Long, weighs 6 1/3 lbs.
Development: he's FULL TERM, may or may not have a full head of hair! I hope he does and it's dark, like his daddy's :)

March 8, 2012

Skipping to week.... 36!!!!

Holy Moly.

So yes, it has been awhile. I find blogging nice, but uploading pictures to be annoying since it takes a really long time to upload and get them in the right chronological order. I am sure there's an easier way, but I have yet to discover it. OK, end of rant.

I have 26 days left until April 3rd. I feel excited, anxious, but mostly happy about meeting the best accomplishment in my life thus far- James! You know that cliche saying that " Life doesn't get any better than this", that's exactly how I feel right at this present moment. There are so many exciting things happening in our life right now, only to be attributed to the goodness from the Lord above! We have so much to be thankful for daily and it seems as though everything is working in our favor, which at times seems like a joke really.

1. We got me new SUV this year. I thought that would never happen since I have a husband who doesn't like to spend money! It's a blessing and a curse yall, let me tell ya! But I can appreciate it.
2. We are having our first baby. Everything up to this point has been great (except the morning sickness), but we have a healthy boy so far and I could not be more thankful for that, truely.
3. We got new bedroom furniture! If you know ANYTHING about me, it's that I work in an industry where the houses are overly decorated down to the "T" and everything is beautiful and I want my house to look the same way, well, sort of relatively speaking since I don't have the unlimited budget. BUT I am pretty sure that has been the biggest struggle for me being married. Not being able to spend any money on anything house related. My patience has paid off people and now I have a beautifully furnished bedroom to go with it. Even though I still want pretty new bedding and I need lamps for the nightstands, and art for the walls... I could go on.
4. We put in an offer on a house..... Possibly OUR VERY FIRST HOME. It really was too good of a deal to pass up and kind of just fell into our laps. I really feel that if this is meant to be, everything will work out seamlessly and God's timing will be perfect down to the LAST detail. I worry not.

So MANY things and exciting things at that! I'll know more on the housing front once we hear back from the bank. It is a short sale, so we will sit and wait patiently on the Lord to work it all out.

How am I feeling:
- Physically, pretty good. I believe that the baby has dropped, so I definitely have more pressure down there. Sometimes it's fine, others it just hurts. That's all a part of the territory, so I've been told!
- I have braxton Hicks contractions ALL the time. I don't ever time them though. I read all these forum entries on baby websites that I subscribe to and every day all day, women are going into Labor and Delivery because the BH's happen more than 5 times in an hour.... Let me tell you something. If I went into L&D every time i had more than 5 in an hour, i'd be in there ALL day, probly atleast 7 times if not more a week. I just don't get the drama? I figure, if they don't hurt and can't hurt the baby and he's still moving around everywhere, what's the big deal. It's your bodies way of getting you ready for birth. Get over yourself hypochondriacs, geeze. I have felt this way from the very beginning though, no reason for concern if it's not hurting or bleeding. Just me.
- I still enjoy walking, but sometimes that just hurts too. So I am walking a little slower these days.
- I am not to the point of complete miserable-ness yet, so I am thankful so much for that. I can still sleep at night even though i get up to go to the bathroom, toss and turn to get comfortable, and have achy hips.

Enough of my rambling... I have my first internal exam today since like 8 weeks I think. So I am hoping that there's something going on down there. I feel like I am dilated a little already, but what do I know. My luck I'm probly not, hahah. I'll keep ya updated.

Pregnancy Updates:

How far along: 36 weeks, 2 days
Total weight gain/loss: i think 23 or 24 lbs... I didn't look at the scale last time.
Maternity clothes: I live in my jeans and black capri's. Everything still is fitting pretty good!
Stretch marks: none.
Sleep: alright.
Best moment this week: Dr. appt to find out about any progress and esstimate how big baby is. Also my breastfeeding class.
Missing Anything: Not really.
Movement: A LOT. ever since week 35, he's been picking up the pace. I can now see distinct movements instead of little kicks. Still can't tell though whether it is a hand or foot making them.
Food cravings: none.
Started showing yet: I look like i have a basketball just sitting on top of my stomach or so i've been told.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: only braxton hicks contractions. getting ready for the real thing!
Belly button in or out: Top part still sticking slightly out. Bottom part is getting a little flatter.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody: happy & ready to get this show on the road!
Looking forward to: BABY... finally. he could really come any day!
Baby's Size: 18.5" Long, almost 6 lbs and is as big as a crenshaw melon?.
Development: he's basically just packing on the pounds at this point. able to swallow and shedding the waxy coat that has been protecting his skin all of these months!

January 11, 2012

Weeks 27 & 28

I am currently 28 weeks pregnant and officially in my LAST TRIMESTER. All I have to say is,
A. that its flying by now and I feel like I cant get caught up fast enough.
B. I have grown again in the past 3 days.

I just don't even know what to think, except that this baby will be here in 12 weeks or sooner, hopefully not later. We shall see!!

My actual due date is April 3rd, 2012. I for some reason thought that it was on the 5th, maybe because at my 12 week appoinment my midwife said something about that date. Uh nope, I was wrong. That's ok! Even though it's only 2 days, i'll take it!!

So MANY exciting things to report over the past 2 weeks:
-I took the dreaded "GLUCOSE TEST" and it really wasn't bad at all. Maybe because I was remaining optimistic or maybe because I had the fruit punch flavor. Either way, the worst part of the dr appt was getting my finger pricked to check my iron levels- they were normal by the way. I would rather get a shot or blood drawn any day of the week. I do not know how diabetic people do that a few times a day! I drank the drink, peed in a cup, took my weight and waited to see Katie (she's my midwife who will be delivering James) more on her in the weeks to come and hopefully a picture or two!! She listened to his heart beat and it was really strong, a little faster than normal due to the sugary drink, but healthy. All is good to go. I have my next appointment in 3 weeks (week 30) and then every 2 weeks after that until week 36 to start the final countdown :)
OH and I passed my glucose test in flying colors...the drink actually made me a little sick to my stomach after 30 minutes, that's how hawaiian punchy it was.
- I registered us for our labor and delivery classes. it's over a 4 week span and about 2.5 hours each time. Looking forward to that and seeing Mike's reaction to everything! I think he's a little excited actually, we shall see!
- MIKE GOT ME A NEW MAMA MOBILE, as I like to refer to her....
Here she is, 2012 hyundai, santa fe. Crystalized white with gray interior and I LOVE this SUV. I couldn't be more excited to have this car and she's mine, in my name and everything!!! Enjoy!

Oh and here's an actual "belly" shot. I know that I look veiny. that's because I am or because I am pale, either way, it is what it is!

Pregnancy updates:

How far along: 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: AHHH, up to 18!!! I gained 10 lbs btwn week 22-27. In my defense, it was christmas and I guess I am supposed to start putting on about a pound a week now. OH WELL, more motivation to get my body back after birth!
Maternity clothes: Same old stuff! Can't wait to wear my blue dress to my shower.
Stretch marks: none.
Sleep: I am now entering the snoring phase... not every night or even all night, but my poor Michael. Please pray for him :)
Best moment this week: registering for birth class and getting my SUV.
Missing Anything: Not too much.
Movement: yes. He is now doing this thing where me moves very slowly or sloth-like as I like to say to my right side, curls up in a hard little ball and makes my tummy misshaped. I can feel him doing it too, which feels so weird. I just rub him a little bit and he releases and stretches out again.
Food cravings: none.
Started showing yet: A Lot. There's definitely a baby in there!
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: Nope.
Belly button in or out: Top part still sticking slightly out. Bottom part is getting a little flatter.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody: happy & tired.
Looking forward to: My shower in a couple of weeks.
Baby's Size: 14.8" Long, 2.25 lbs and is as big as a chinese cabbage.
Development: He can now blink his eyes which have lashes. Now that he can see more, he may be able to see light that filters through my belly. He is also developing millions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat!!

January 3, 2012

Week 26

This week has been such a nice, relaxing time off. There isn't much to report though. My belly has gotten slightly bigger and James is beginning to move around more throughout the night as well, not just during the day anymore! It's amazing to me that I am growing a human, like growing a garden... still can't get over the miracle going on inside of me.

As Mike and I were out to lunch on Sunday after church, we were talking about how this was the last Christmas EVER that we would have alone, without kids. The last New Years, Birthdays, Vacation, etc. As much as I have wanted a baby for the past couple of years now, I am actually very thankful looking back that we had the 5 1/2 years of togetherness before our baby arrives. It will be somewhat bittersweet I think going into these new milestones in 2012 with another person to tag along now. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be a mama to my little guy and I don't ever want to take that for granted, even though I know from time to time that will happen I am sure. I was also thinking in bed this morning how fortunate I am to have a healthy baby/ pregnancy even though I haven't been the best pregnant person. Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for this experience, it only lasts 10 months, not forever. It isn't by far the worst thing I have ever gone through in my life, but could I do it 20x like michelle duggar- NO! I am not a baby-making machine and that's ok.
Something that has weighed heavy on my heart for a couple months now.
I read a lot of blogs on the web and one in particular, the author I went to school with and I have had the privilege of knowing for many years now, Leah Coca... I love her blog for many reasons, it's honest, hilarious and heart-felt among other things. She is currently pregnant with her 4th baby, a little girl that they named Elizabeth. Elizabeth has a condition that will not let her skull form properly and even though everything else is developing just as it should with her little body, she will not live long after birth because of it.. Being a first time mother, I can not imagine what Leah and Onan are going through only having a few weeks left with their baby girl. I feel like shame on me for taking the time with my James already for granted when he's completely healthy inside of me, but everything has it's time and place and season. This I have come to realize. Their courage, strength and faith is really only what's holding them together somedays. I hope that I never have to experience what they are going through, but if I do, I pray that I can endure it as gracefully (for lack of better word) as they have.
Please read and pray for Leah, Onan and their family here as they only have a few weeks left with their baby. We all believe that God is a God of miracles and if it's his will for her to live, then that shall surely happen! Either way, in Joy or Pain, they will continue to believe in the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord. Amen.


With all that said, here is the week 26.5 belly shot. I know I never include my face, but I am never presentable when I take these in the bathroom, haha.

Pregnancy updates:

How far along: 26 Weeks, 6 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 8 lbs +, My next appt is this Thursday!
Maternity clothes: Nothing new. One thing I did learn, which I guess I kinda knew, but didn't think about is my friend told me i would be wearing my maternity clothes after baby for a little bit. she said no one ever told her that!
Stretch marks: none so far.
Sleep: Still ok. I have been waking up in the night with sore hips, I am guessing from pressure.
Best moment this week: Getting some baby gifts for Christmas and spending time with Mike.
Missing Anything: Not really, other than feeling normal.
Movement: all the time.
Food cravings: I don't have any.
Started showing yet: Yes. I got a little bigger on Christmas day, ha.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: Nope.
Belly button in or out: Is getting flatter. I don't like the fact that I am going to have an outty soon, that grosses me out, ha.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody: happy & tired.
Looking forward to: My shower, Baby classes and getting everything together.
Baby's Size: 14" long and 1 2/3 lbs. Size of an english hothouse cucumber.
Development: The network of nerves in baby's ears is now better developed and more sensitive. He may now be able to hear both your voice and your partner's voice as you chat together. He is continuing to put on fat and is beginning to inhale small amounts of amniotic fluid which is essential development to the lungs.

December 27, 2011

Week 25 and Christmas!

I am currently 25 weeks, 6 days pregnant and trucking along. Entering the last week of my 2nd Trimester, YAY! That means only 14 weeks give or take a few days maybe.

These past few days have been great! We always spend Christmas Eve with my family and Christmas day with Mike's. I am pretty sure that my unborn child got almost as many gifts as me, hahaha. That's ok. I like baby gifts equally as well I think.

There is so much to do over the next 14 weeks in preparation for James to come. Here's a few:

- Birth, Breast Feeding and Infant CPR Classes.
- Get the nursery set up and together.
- Order the rocker.

The list could go on and on. Luckily I have already found a nursery school to keep him in a couple days a week while I have to work. That's a BIG one to cross off. They are great and very flexible, which I LOVE!

Anyway, Not much else to report. I am getting bigger by the day I feel. In the last four days even... still very strange. But baby needs room to grow, so it's ok. Starting on Christmas night, I started having another bout of the round ligament pain. So much so it hurt to do anything. Sit, stand, go to the bathroom, eat, walk, you get the picture. It lingered the day after too and is just now starting to settle down on Tuesday morning. But it didn't hurt as bad as the first time I guess. So I will spend today picking up the house, getting everything cleaned up and ready to put back in the attic along with a little after Christmas shopping to see if I can find any good deals on things. We shall see!

Pregnancy Updates:

How far along: 25 Weeks, 6 Days
Total weight gain/loss: 8 lbs +, I have my 27 week appt next week and do the Glucose Screening as well. We will see then how much weight I gained since week 22.
Maternity clothes: I bought my shower dress! Bright Blue and pretty! I can't wait to wear it!
Stretch marks: none so far.
Sleep: Ok, on and off. Nothing special.
Best moment this week: Christmas, ordering furniture for our bedroom and getting a few baby things.
Missing Anything: Exercise. Yoga. Not having pains.
Movement: A Lot. I think now that he has more room in there, he's doing somersaults.
Food cravings: I don't have any.
Started showing yet: Yes, getting bigger by the week.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: Nope.
Belly button in or out: Is getting flatter. I don't like the fact that I am going to have an outty soon, that grosses me out, ha.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody: happy & tired.
Looking forward to: January, My shower, and entering the 3rd trimester.
Baby's Size: 13.5" Long and weighs 1.5 pounds.
Development: Baby is beginning to exchange the long, lean look for some baby fat. Baby is also growing more hair and if you could see it, you'd be able to discern it's color and texture!

I can't wait to see what he looks like. Although, I have a feeling he's going to look like his daddy, but with less hair and maybe blue eyes!

December 15, 2011

Weeks 23 & 24

Officially hit the 6 Month Mark!! Only 4 more to go or less, hopefully!

Funny story. I was watching LIVE with Kelly this morning and Michael Buble was her co-host. He was talking about how he and his wife are "practicing" right now for a baby and asked Kelly for any advice. She said, Let me tell you something... after month 7, there's no reason to be pregnant anymore because you are just stalling the inevitable and you're over it by then anyway. She then proceeded to say to SLEEP as much as you can now. Sleep in even if you wake up, go back to sleep. She thought when her oldest son was 14 weeks old and he wasn't sleeping that she would be able to sleep once he was 14. Still, no sleep. HA! If you knew that you would never sleep again, you surely wouldn't have kids!!!! I mean, common sense right- I guess not!

Saturday, my sister-in-law Lynsie and myself went to lunch and then over to Babies R Us to register for my baby shower in a little over a month from now! Let me preface this... I was really excited to go. Almost more excited than registering for my own wedding. I guess it's just a different feeling of "awe, this is baby stuff and who doesn't love shopping for a baby, especially since it's your own little person". It's going to be like Christmas 2x coming up! Very exciting times. ANYWAY, lunch was great, went to Olive Garden, had the soup-salad-breadstick combo and were on our merry way. Once we got to the R Us, I figured it would probly take around 2 hours at the most to sign up, register and get everything done. Well, there were about 3-4 other couples there as well doing the same thing that we were. No Mike wasn't there with me. Why, you ask... he doesn't take interest in baby things like I or should I say women do. He had no desire to go and spend 2 hours in a baby store. There were other husbands there and that was probably a great thing for those wives, but me, I am GLAD that I had Lynsie. Guys don't know what is good/bad or different from the next bottle or diaper cream. There was one couple, bless them who had spent 1 hour just in the carseat/ stroller section trying to decide what they liked best and then second guessing their choices. While every other time I had been into the store before looking to see what I liked while being pregnant and feeling overwhelmed, I didn't have the sense of " OMG, I can't possibly come in here and go through everything and be ok with the choices I have made" attitude, I was feeling very relaxed and confident today! In fact, I think that we had a great time! It was a breeze for the most part. There is a lot of stuff to go through though.

Here's a couple pictures! Thanks Lyns!

Pregnancy Updates:

How far along: 24 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 8 lbs +
Maternity clothes: Nothing new. Still rocking the maternity jeans and regular pants with belly band to work somedays.
Stretch marks: none.
Sleep: Each night is a new night, ha. I haven't slept a solid night now in over 6 months. I guess my body is preparing me!
Best moment this week: Getting in his crib and Mike putting it together. Being able to see James move on the outside!
Missing Anything: Workouts or walking up he stairs without getting out of breath. I really need to step up my game or I am going to be in a world of hurt come March..
Movement: All day, but somedays he's more quiet that others.
Food cravings: None.
Started showing yet: Yep and I feel HUGE.
Gender: BOY!
Labor signs: Nope.
Belly button in or out: The top part is starting to poke put a little bit.
Wedding rings on or off: On.
Happy or moody: happy!
Looking forward to: Christmas and New years for a few days off and getting his room more together.
Baby's Size: 1' Long and weighs just over a pound.
Development: Baby has a lean figure at this point, but will soon start to plump up. His brain is growing quickly now and the taste buds are continuing to develop. Skin is still translucent, but that will start to change soon!